George Monbiot and I joined BBC Radio Wales on Sunday to discuss the 50th World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, considering whether it would be best for the world if this was the last gathering.

In light of issues from climate change to economic justice to gender equality, we consider whether the gathering of the political and business elite can also be a space for constructive activism.

Monbiot argues that the Forum will always be counter-production. I suggest that — since the Forum is unlikely to disappearance — it can be used for good, but only with responsibility from the media as well as the efforts of activists and experts.

Listen from 22:24

Don’t headline Donald Trump, given his lack of knowledge, given that he is a climate change denier, given that he is only at Davos for his ego. Don’t headline this as Trump v. Greta Thunberg.

Focus on the real issues: sustainable development, climate change, economic justice. This is a space where deals are made, and the rich will try to get richer, but it is also a space where others can seize the opportunity for a better way forward if we are to avoid a looming catastrophe.