Last weekend, we featured the “investigative journalism” of Fars News, the outlet of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, after its headline claim, “US-Alien-Hitler Link Stuns Russia”.
See Tehran’s “Nazis-Aliens-Jews-US” Propaganda — Meet Its Mastermind, “Sorcha Faal”
Can New US-Zionist-Western Conspiracy Help ISIS & Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Find Common Ground?
We explained that Fars’ source was the conspiracy-theory website “” — purportedly run by a Russian academic “Sorcha Faal”, said to be the creation of a computer programmer named David Booth.
We noted other “exclusives” on Whatdoesitmean: “President Eisenhower Had Three Secret Meetings with Aliens”, “War Fears Rise After China Missile Tests Over Oregon“, and “Obama Plan To Depopulate Montana Raises Crisis Fears In Moscow“.
We wondered if Fars News, given the revelation that its Nazi-Alien-Jews-Takeover-US stories originate with a tin-foil conspiracy site, would be embarrassed enough to stop.
This morning, we have our answer.
The Revolutionary Guards’ outlet proclaims, “Obama Plan To Depopulate Montana Raises Crisis Fears In Moscow“.
Not a single word changed from the headline in Whatdoesitmean. Indeed, not a single word changed from the original story:
A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MINPRIRODY) circulating in the Kremlin warned that the Obama administration has begun “a rapid implementation” of what will eventually become the largest internal displacement of American citizens in history that experts warn will “most certainly” lead to civil war in the United States.
According to this report, information relating to this pending human rights disaster in the US was obtained by MINPRIRODY analysts tasked with examining a “significant portion” of the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden.
The lengthy and confusing story claims that, under guise of environmental legislation, a Wyoming town has been handed over to Native Americans. Apparently “biotechnology giant Monsanto” will also benefit as the Obama Administration is “set to steal the homes and lands of over 118,000 Montanans”.
Both Whatdoesitmean and Fars conclude, “Civil war is now said to be ‘a certainty’.”
We await further developments, including how this plan is linked to the running of the US by Nazi aliens.