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EA on Ireland’s RTE and Dublin NewsTalk: Joe Biden, NATO, and Ukraine

EA on Times Radio: Biden, the New UK Government, and A “Safe Pair of Hands” in the World

EA on Pakistan’s PTV: Biden, the US, and the World


I spoke further with France 24 English on Friday afternoon about the critical moment for Joe Biden, the Democrats, and US politics.

I can talk to you about substance, issues, and reality, but it’s the narrative of “Old Joe” that will continue all the way until he withdraws from the race.

You don’t want to overthrow Biden. You want him to go of his own accord, with grace and dignity — but it has to be now, before the Democratic Convention, so you can build up an alternative candidate.


A discussion with Jonathan Healy on Dublin NewsTalk on Friday morning about the situation after Joe Biden’s press conference at the NATO Summit….

I can point you to gaffes by George W. Bush. I can point you each day to gaffes, let alone the egregious lies, of Donald Trump. But of course we are in a situation where the almost exclusive focus is on Biden.

So the issues don’t give a look in and Donald Trump effectively gets a free pass.


A deep-dive analysis with Monocle Radio’s Emma Nelson on Friday morning about the politics and media around the future of Joe Biden — and of the future of the American system:

We also discuss the position of Vice President Kamala Harris and questions to the US and international media about their responsibilities, including recognition of issues and “holding two candidates to account”.

If this continues until November, it’s not just a disservice to a campaign which should be thoughtful and reflective. It’s a disservice to the United States, when you have a system which is under threat.

Listen from 40:24:


I chatted this morning with BBC Radio Wales’ Oliver Hides about the stakes amid the US media’s “feeding frenzy” about the comments of Joe Biden, as they ignore the serious issues about Donald Trump’s character, criminality, and state of mind.

Listen to Discussion from 9:47

The Democrats need to get in position where they have a unity candidate before their Convention in August, or have a clean, polite, respectful contest for the nomination.


I spoke with GB News on Friday morning, in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s hour-long press conference at the NATO Summit, to analyze his presentation of the important issues — and Donald Trump’s threat — v. the near-exclusive media focus on two headline gaffes that will overshadow the substance.

Watch from 3:11:

Anybody who watched the press conference would have had a fairly detailed, thoughtful examination of US foreign policy. Biden was effective in contrasting the Administration’s approach to America’s allies, NATO, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with that of Donald Trump — who has threatened America’s allies, who has threatened to pull the US out of NATO, and has threatened to cut aid to Ukraine.

But of course your viewers won’t see that press conference. They will see those two clips over and over.

UPDATE, JULY 12: Anticipating Joe Biden’s high-stakes press conference at the NATO Summit, I spoke with BBC World Service’s Paul Henley on Thursday night about whether it is possible for the President to revive his candidacy and stop Donald Trump in November’s election.

Listen to Discussion from 33:22

In the best-case scenario, he will have to be lucid, fluent, and honest in acknowledging the questions out there.

He will have to instill the confidence in others that he can do this all the way through November, given the threat of Donald Trump not just to Joe Biden but to the American system.

ORIGINAL ENTRY, JULY 11: I joined a 23-minute panel discussion on BBC Radio Ulster on Thursday to explain why — for the sake of the US system, democracy, and vital issues — it is urgent that President Joe Biden withdraw his candidacy in the 2024 election.

The other panelists are Catherine Clinton of University of Texas San Antonio and Conor McKeown of the University of Stirling. The host is William Crawley.

Listen from 1:07:04

Clinton explains how she has shifted her position, given an “existential crisis” over Biden’s candidacy that would “ensure a victory for Trump”. McKeown still hopes out hope for November, but I focus on the necessity to deal with Trump’s threat by acting now to establish a new Democratic nominee.

While recognizing the achievements of the Biden Administration, perhaps the most significant for domestic legislation since the 1960s; while recognizing that his opponent is a convicted felon/sex abuse/fraudster/coup plotter….

The Trumpists will use this to protect Trump, and the important issues will not get a look-in. All of this deserves a discussion, but it will not happen if Biden is the one note of this campaign’s tune.