As the evacuation of insurgents from besieged areas of Homs is being discussed, a video satire made by activists about the fighters inside the city has been posted.

See Syria Videos: The Insurgents Leave Homs

Insurgents have held out for more than two years in 13 districts of Homs, including the Old City, amid regime bombardment, ground attacks, and a siege that has put both fighters and civilians on the brink of starvation.

Last Friday, the insurgents finally agreed to a ceasefire. Arrangements for their departure from Homs, to villages north of the city, are still being discussed.

The first part of the 8-minute “Official Statement” — made by A Patch of Light from Homs — sets a light-hearted tone as it points gentle fun at the video declarations made by insurgent units. A commander, backed by his troops, stumbles through his proclamation.

Subsequent statements are darker in mood, with fewer and fewer fighters, speaking in front of shelled-out buildings as they plead fro help from the international community and other opposition forces: “move from your chairs, your pulpits, and from behind your laptops.”

In the last scene, only the battalion commander and a lone fighter — his head wrapped in a white bandage, too weak to lift his assault rifle — are left. The commander says:

We announce that we will not announce anything else after today, because we have no fuel left, so we can’t upload any more announcements.

All we have left is our resistance. And all you have left are your promises and your betrayal. History is our witness.

(h/t Your Middle East)