Insurgents attacked a regime checkpoint with 40 tons of explosives on Monday in Idlib Province, killing at least 40 Syrian troops:

To carry out the detonation, 60 fighters dug a 300-meter (325-yard) tunnel, over 50 days, under the Sahaba checkpoint in Wadi al-Deif. Four buildings were destroyed.

The operation was carried out by three brigades from Suqoor al-Sham of the Islamic Front and fighters from Duroo’ al-Thawra, linked to the Free Syrian Army.

Insurgents receive news of success:

Opposition fighters firing on regime tanks in Wadi al-Deif after the attack:

Tunnel bombs by insurgents have destroyed a series of regime positions over the past year, notably in Aleppo. Sources claims that the Syrian military in Aleppo and some areas of Damascus is digging up streets and drilling wells to counter the tactic.