Donald Trump at a White House briefing as White House Coronavirus coordinator Dr Deborah Birx looks on, April 3, 2020: “The professionals did the models and I was never involved in a model. At least this kind of a model.”
In our weekly 16-minute Journey Across TrumpLand, I chatted to talkRADIO’s Alexis Conran and Gloria de Piero about the threat to Americans from the combination of Coronavirus and Donald Trump’s arrogance.
We begin with Trump’s crass joke about models, in the midst of a White House briefing over the likelihood of hundreds of thousands of deaths. Then it’s a review of his management, refusal to coordinate a Federal response, and attacks on State Governors who try to fill the void.
We look at the leadership of others like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and there’s also an explanation of why likely Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden has been on the sidelines.
Listen from 23:43 in 1800-1830 Segment
You know what? I don’t give a damn about Trump’s political fortunes. What I care about is that country where my relatives live, and where some of them are vulnerable.
We are watching an epidemic where many, many people will die unnecessarily.