On November 22 and 23, Mattia Zulianello coordinated the Winter School of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, “Populism and the Crisis of Representative Democracy”.

The 15-hour course in Milan, Italy discussed issues related to the populist phenomenon: its ideational varieties, geographical manifestations, organisational features, communication strategies, impact on political systems, and electoral performance over time.

Key outcomes:

*Populism comes in different shapes and sizes.

*It is important to avoid sweeping terms such as “Euroscepticism”, “nationalism”, and “racism” as synonyms for “populism”.

*The long-term electoral trend of populist parties in Europe is one of consolidation.

*Populists are usually skillful media communicators.

*The majority of populist parties are no longer at the margins of European political systems.

*Populist parties should be studied, first of all, as organizations which are responsible for their success and failure.

The other instructors were Diego Ceccobelli and Sorina Soare.