A voter sits with her horse after riding to a polling station in European Parliament elections, near Tonbridge, England, May 23, 2019 (Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty)

As we await the turnout in Thursday’s UK General Election, I spoke with talkRADIO’s Darryl Morris about whether voting should be made compulsory, as in more than 20 countries such as Australia, Switzerland, and Brazil.

The takeaway: compulsory voting would only deal with a symptom and not a cause of the UK’s political difficulties — a 19th-century system whose “first past the post” rules has led to the stagnation of two major parties and a London-dominated outlook on the country.

How can we get to a better system through education and the media as well as change in the electoral process?

Listen from 11:33 in 0400-0430 Segment

A lot of votes are seen not to matter because it’s a first past the post system. This is a system which in the long run is not serving us well.

On the UK General Election and the Issue of Decency