In a speech in Tehran on Thursday, the Supreme Leader denounced the US over its approach to nuclear talks and its human rights record.
Ayatollah Khamenei’s criticism comes as high-level negotiators from Iran and the 5+1 Powers — possibly including lead US negotiator Wendy Sherman — meet in Geneva, seeking agreement on the implementation of November’s interim nuclear deal.
So is the Supreme Leader merely applying a bit of pressure on the Americans? Is he playing tough to a domestic audience while his Government pursues the deal?
Or is Khamenei — as he did in October 2009 — suddenly renouncing the discussions?
The Supreme Leader’s office summarizes the speech on Twitter:
1 of the boons of the recent #talks was that the enmity of #US authorities w/ #Iran,Iranians & #Islam & Muslims was elucidated to everyone.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
The enemies think that they imposed #sanctions and #Iran had to negotiate. No! This is not true!
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
We had announced previously that on certain issues, if we deem it proper we would negotiate with this #Satan to deter its evil.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
#US has no right to talk abt #HumanRights!US govt’s the biggest violator of human rights in the world.Aren’t they ashamed of talking abt it?
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
One of the #US president’s campaign promises was to close the #Guantanamo prison. Did they close it?
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
#Iran will tell off the #US before the public for #HumanRights violation.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
Drone attacks on ppl of #Afghanistan/ #Pakistan &1000s unknown crime means agnst humanity that’ll B exposed 2posterity,r listed on US’s log.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
Zionists r doing so many evils w/support of #US.In what disorder r #Palestine & #Gaza?Medicines don’t get 2patients as US backs this regime.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
#Iran-ians are a nation that’ll never surrender.
They didn’t surrender at conditions worse than this.
8yrs imposed war is a clear example.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014
Western countries backed #Saddam so that he could record an all-time invasion to beloved #Iran but after 8 yrs he had to withdraw.
— (@khamenei_ir) January 9, 2014