Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, Jerusalem, September 30, 2024
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

EA on Chasing Shadows Podcast: Netanyahu’s “Forever Wars” From Gaza to Lebanon

Are Iran’s Missiles on Israel Just Another “Demonstration” Attack?


I spoke with Thomas Oriti on Australia’s ABC Radio early Wednesday about the latest developments, including fighting in southern Lebanon after the start of Israel’s ground invasion.

This will be a reminder, at least to the Israeli public, that this supposedly “limited” operation will not be cost-free even if Hezbollah has been weakened as an organization.

I analyze the capacities of a “crippled” Hezbollah and the warnings to Israel of its history of invasions of Lebanon. And I continue to put the context of Iran’s “demonstration” missile strikes on Israel in the context of Benjamin Netanyahu’s “forever wars” in Lebanon and Gaza.

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ORIGINAL ENTRY, OCT 2: I joined international outlets on Wednesday to analyze Iran’s “demonstration” missile strikes — their second set in six months — on Israel

The takeaway? It’s not that a direct Israel-Iran confrontation is imminent. Instead, it is that the big winner from Tehran’s need to display “strength” — in the wake of Israeli assassinations of senior Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian officials and commanders — is Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Under domestic pressure only weeks ago over his “open-ended” war without a resolution in Gaza, Netanyahu now has space not only to avoid a ceasefire but to expand military operations in both Gaza and Lebanon.

Listen to RTE Radio 1 from 4:46

I explain to Claire Byrne the dynamics of Iran’s demonstration and Netanyahu’s response.

I agree this puts everyone in a challenging position but that position hasn’t changed very much.

In a strange way, what we saw last night was that Iran was still observing the lines set by the international community, signalling the attacks in advance.

The problem is that, while the international community will tell Israel and Iran to avoid confrontation, the US in particular has tied its hands behind its back over Lebanon and Gaza.

I explain how — “not being pro-Israel or anti-Israel but pro-human” — Netanyahu and his inner circles “continue to put two fingers up to the international community”.

Watch Times Now from 2:40

Alongside retired Israeli Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, I explain why Iran notified Arab countries in advance that the attack on Israel was coming the following night.