I spoke with Ireland’s RTE Radio 1 on Monday morning about the latest developments in Ukraine’s fightback against Vladimir Putin’s War.

Listen to Discussion from 1:35.45

I analyzed the effects — military, economic, and psychological — of the Ukrainian drone attack on the Kerch Bridge from Russia’s Krasnodar region to occupied Crimea.

Then I take a wider look at Ukraine, NATO, and the state of the counter-offensive to defeat Putin’s invasion: “It’s not a sprint, but a 1500-meter race.”

See also EA on Times Radio: Week in Review — Ukraine and NATO; UK Turmoil, Ben Wallace, and Labour’s Message; India’s Power Politics

EA on China Radio International: Ukraine, NATO Summit, and Reality v. Propaganda

There’s also a glance inside Russia: an anxious Kremlin dismissing generals speaking out about lack of support to their frontline troops, and the aftermath of last month’s Wagner Group mini-rebellion.

Putin has dug in. If he goes to the negotiating table, it’s a loss of face, it’s a loss of his legacy, and it could be — given that some in Russia want to take an even harder line with Ukraine — the loss of his Presidency.