Ali Akbari in his “confession” on Iran State TV
Richard Dayton, the UK Ambassador to Iran from December 2002to March 2006, has challenged the “false allegation” by Iranian officials, repeated in The New York Times, that Iran’s former Deputy Minister of Defense Alireza Akbari was recruited by British intelligence during a function at the UK Embassy.
In an e-mail to EA WorldView, Dalton says:
I assure you
that [Akbari] did not have separate, let alone regular, meetings with me. Mr. Akbari never came to the embassy between
December 2002 and March 2006.Other than when there was formal hospitality for a ministerial visit from Britain, and given the deep underlying suspicion of Britain past and present, potential senior Iranian official guests did not consider themselves to be safe enough from Iranian official inquisition to enter: they would have been denied permission if and when they had asked.
Dalton adds, “Once, in the short honeymoon period of UK/Iran relations in the first half of 2003, a couple of senior officials came to a reception, but that was it: no ministers or deputy ministers.”
ORIGINAL ENTRY: Multiple officials have detailed the work for UK intelligence by former Iran Deputy Defense Minister Alireza Akbari, executed in January on espionage charges.
The New York Times gathered the information from officials in with the US, UK, Israel, and Germany as well as Iran.
See also Amid Crackdown on Protests, Iran Executes Former Deputy Defense Minister Akbari
Akbari, a dual UK-Iran national, provided detailed information from 2004 to 2019 on the Iranian nuclear program, helping foreign intelligence services assess if Tehran was moving to an atomic bomb. The UK began sharing the revelations with Israel in April 2008, when a senior British intelligence official flew to Tel Aviv.
Amid suspicions in Israel and other countries that Iran was pursuing a nuclear warhead, Mr. Akbari met regularly with the ambassadors of the UK, China, France, Germany, and Russia to convince them that this was not the case.
The details supported the decisions by Western governments, including the US, to pursue international sanctions. However, they also bolstered negotiations that led to the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the 5+1 Powers (UK, US, France, Germany, China, and Russia).
In 2019 Iranian officials, with the assistance of Russian intelligence, discovered that Akbari had told the UK before 2008 of the clandestine Fordoo nuclear facility, built inside a mountain near Tehran. The secret development was among the information passed to the Israelis.
Tehran also said Akbari disclosed the identity and activities of more than 100 officials. Among them was the chief nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, assassinated by Israel assassinated in November 2020.
See also How Israel’s Remote-Controlled Supergun Killed Iranian Nuclear Scientist Fakhrizadeh
Story of a Spy
A decorated Revolutionary Guards commander, Akbari was close to Fakhrizadeh and to Ali Shamkhani, the current Secretary of the National Security Council, whom he served as a deputy and an advisor.
In eight short video “confessions” aired by Iran State TV after his execution — confessions which Akbari told his family had been coerced by torture — he said he was recruited at a social gathering at the UK Embassy in Tehran. He was told that he and his family would be given visas to travel to Britain.
The next year, Akbari met in London with a handler from the UK foreign intelligence service MI6. He created front companies in Austria, Spain, and the UK to provide cover for further meetings.
Akbari retired from official posts in 2008, but continued to serve as an advisor to Shamkhani and other senior Iranian officials. Later that year, he was detained and held for four months on accusations that he was spying for the UK. Influential associates vouched for him, and the case was closed.
Akbari continued to advise Iranian Foreign Ministry officials, who told him about closed-door meetings, policies, and nuclear negotiations.
In 2010 Akbari suffered a heart attack during a regular visit to London. He remained there after his recovery, joined by his wife and two daughters, and obtained UK citizenship. He traveled from London to Tehran at least three times from 2010 to 2019 and stayed at a family home in the Iranian capital.
In 2019, Akbari flew again to Iran after Shamkhani, the Supreme National Security Council head, told him that he was needed on an urgent nuclear and defense matter. A few days later, he was summoned to the Intelligence Ministry. He called Shamkhani, who said authorities had heard he was in contact with MI6 and urged him to cooperate to prove his innocence.
This time there would be no escape — the Russians had confirmed to Iranian officials that Akbari was the source of the leak about the Fordoo nuclear complex. After several interrogations, he was arrested.
The following year, Israel assassinated nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh with a remote-controlled “supergun”. Akbari was detained by the Intelligence Ministry and held in solitary confinement, first in an underground facility and then in Tehran’s Evin Prison.
In January, Iranian authorities launched the public campaign declaring that Akbari was a British spy. He was hanged days later in an early-morning execution at Evin.
His family were not told of the hanging, or of Akbari’s burial in a large cemetery outside Tehran. Akbari’s sister and daughter were informed by officials that there was no body to collect as it had been interred.
On the 40th day of his execution, the family was allowed to hold a memorial service in a hall in a Tehran mosque. They were ready to welcome guests, from Akbari’s time in the Revolutionary Guards, his Government service, and his business career.
No one came.
EU condemns the execution in harshest language
iri executes 19 people in five days in sistan baluchestan to intimidate the population
And the country…
[Editor’s Note: Iran State outlet IRNA finds a talking head — a specialist in psychogenic illness but with no apparent knowledge of the specifics of the Iran case — to back up the regime’s talking points.]
IRNA talked to American medical sociologist, Dr. Robert Bartholomew, about the psychogenic cause for the “poisoning”:
The expert claims that sensationalism in the media, possibly with an accidental leak as the trigger, can then be massively amplified by stress and anxiety. He claims that rapid onset and rec[[overy (as seen in Iran) are the tell-tale signs of mass psychogenic illness. The vast majority of cases involve females (historically) as is the case in Iran. He says that if it were a deliberate terrorist attack, it would had to have been extremely well-planned.
“Firstly, we should note that the most important driver of the outbreak of collective mental illness in the last hundred years has been the identification of an unfamiliar smell, which seems to be a poisonous gas. A gas leak may actually exist, but this does not necessarily mean that the story started with a gas leak, but if there is gas, it may not have been intentional. But the important thing is that there was an initial sensational event that blew up in the media and then caused students across the country to reinforce the rumor that a chemical attack had taken place. They take a close look at the environment and understand the odors that have always been there and imagine it as a chemical attack. When dozens of cases occur across the country in a single day, mostly involving young girls, mass mental illness is the first thing that comes to mind.”
[Editor’s Note: There was no “investigation” by The Cradle. It is a propaganda/disinformation “anti-imperialist” outlet which puts out the line of regimes such as the Kremlin, Assad in Syria, and Iran’s leadership.]
The Cradle offers more information on what is behind the mass psychosis in Iranian schools:
“An investigation released by The Cradle last month reveals how in the early days of the unrest in Iran, the Iranian opposition had employed “incitement to use chemicals” as a tactic to organize strikes, as well as shut down schools and other offices. It cites a number of social media posts that clearly called on Iranians to use chemicals in schools and government offices in order to get them to close down.”
The authorities suspect foul play and induced hysteria: “The report also pins the responsibility on dissidents and saboteurs for spreading fear about the poisonings for politically-motivated propaganda purposes. Prosecution of individuals, groups, media who accused the government … and aligned themselves with enemies” will follow, the ministry warned.”
It is extremely easy to put this whole thing to put to rest. Let an impartial body to investigate these occurrences, that is, if your rapist and murderous regime are not guilty.
Of course, since when a rapist or murderer welcomed investigations…by contrast,the innocent looks forward to it to clear their name.
RE “mass psychosis”
The official framing of the mass formation (or mass psychosis) “phenomenon” is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is “just some temporary occasional” madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with “civilized” people — read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ….
One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn’t think (after more than 1 year, even 2+ years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it’s ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition). It should be apparent that Desmet’s lack of truth-telling is then also present in his largely plagiarized truth-distorting mass formation theory.
In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that “some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions” (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being planned which Desmet called “an extreme position” … Sound logical thinking is “extreme” and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view! As MLK pointed out…
“… normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist
In his overpriced misleading whitewashing old material regurgitated book the psychology of totalitarianism he too states that “There are countless … examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as the fact that the definition of ‘pandemic’ was adjusted shortly before the coronavirus crisis; that the definition of ‘herd immunity’ was changed during the crisis, implying that only vaccines can achieve it … [he continuous with several other obvious facts of an ENTIRELY PLANNED event, especially discerned through the totality of all these facts].” “SEEM to point in the direction of a plan”??? No! They most evidently, clearly, and irrefutably DO demonstrate and prove it IS a COMPLETELY AND FULLY DELIBERATE PlanDemic! A big scam. An Entirely Planned Holocaust against the non-ruling herd of people (see cited link above). A coherent 12-year old kid can figure that out. But not Mr. ‘I’m entitled to teach my deep wisdom to the world’ professor.
It clearly shows Desmet’s own complete lunacy. But because almost everyone in the culture is a member of mass formation (madness), including the “woke” people of the alternative media domain, hardly anyone recognizes Desmet’s lunacy. Not surprising that he has even become some type of popular “guru” among the adherents of the alternative media landscape and his whitewashed fake narrative strongly resonates with both mainstream people and alternative mainstream folks.
“All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord
As expected, “useful expert” Desmet has been also advocating and pushing the false misleading dogma-based non-scientific holy mantra of trust the official science … “everything and everyone should follow the scientific consensus” [ ] — meaning trust and follow the fabricated fraudulent official consensus science behind the Covid jabs that the killing of over a million of people around the world is based on(!!). Are you STILL wondering whom he’s wittingly or unwittingly serving? That’s why it’s no wonder he’s been heavily popularized globally by the dominant psychopathic world instead of censored and suppressed (as lots of truth-tellers have been), yet in his crafty stylish total hypocrisy and public misdirection ploy, he wants you to buy his belief that everyone should have a voice. Everyone BUT the true truth-tellers is what the reality is.
With his SUPPORT of the Covid holocaust-driving official consensus science he OKAYS and PROMOTES the idiotic herd Covid mass formation (they way the masses “think” and act)! Yet in his absurdity, irrationality and lunacy, with his mass formation/mass psychosis notion he frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon (the gist of the circular argument is: the masses should change their thinking but they got brainwashed so they’re victims). Nothing could be further from the truth (see first referenced source above).
With his false use of language Desmet also obscures or hides the true reality instead of directly and uncompromising exposing it — aiding the obfuscation of the vital reality of what the ruling authorities really are. He speaks of ‘the elite’ (as he does in a number of podcasts) when, in reality, they are THE SCUM OF HUMANS because they are REALITY-VERIFIED PSYCHOPATHS (see referenced source above). Yet in the Corbett podcast he “teaches” us that we, the masses, need to start thinking differently. Right… how about YOU start with sane instead of insane thinking/talking/”teaching”/etc, Dr. Desmet?
How do self-styled “truth-tellers” wake up the masses to the so-called truth when they THEMSELVES use lies with their deceitful fake language???
No one is “teaching” or “waking up” the ignorant masses to the CORE truths with lies, with the official “language of lies” (see first cited source above).
This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!!! When, if at all, will he wake up from his state of mass psychosis, his “invisible” stupidity? When, if at all, will he face the TRUE and FULL reality instead of hiding behind fantasies such as his whitewashed “reality” of human civilization?
It shows we live in a global mental asylum with criminal and/or delusional mainstream psychologists, scientists, and docs as the guards, “teachers” and “therapists” … The blind/criminal/mad leading the blind/criminal/mad; the blind/criminal/mad adhere to the blind/criminal/mad = the human madhouse.
In October of 2022, once a few people finally caught onto his public-misdirecting game he took no responsibility for it but dishonestly and conveniently framed himself as the victim of frivolous attacks against him —
Desmet is right in that truth-activists must fight against mass formation psychosis (human madness). That also means exposing HIS deeply destructive mad part of it. This comment serves, in part, that objective.
The ruling gang of criminals pulled of the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. If you’re in the US go to and sign the American Sovereignty Declaration to #ExitTheWHO and follow their prompts to contact your representatives and tell them to work for their constituents instead of the mega psychopaths in power.
“… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022
The case of Akbari is just one of several where an Iranian was caught spying as a double agent. Shahram Amir and (possibly) Amir Hekmati were also claimed to be spies. Obviously, Iranian and foreign nationals are spying for western and Israeli intel and so the near automatic allegation that Iran is “hostage taking” whenever it accuses persons of espionage, is unfounded.
[Editor’s Note: Deepa Parent’s excellent work on the poisonings was republished on EA. It is testament to the quality of her reporting that she does not posit a cause of the poisonings but sets out the possibilities — including testimony from witnesses and doctors that the illnesses of the victims are real and not just “psychogenic”.]
Deepa Parent , a friend of the editor, in The Guardian:
She admits, however, that experts have suggested that mass psychogenic illness could be the cause. Iranian authorities have attributed it mostly to hysteria but say there is evidence of stink bombs and pepper spray being used in some cases which caused the panic to spread.
“Toxic substances have not been distributed in any of the nation’s schools, but non-toxic agents that have caused panic have been used accidentally or purposefully in some reported settings.”
Iran Says It May Sell Southern Islands To Pay Pensioners’ Arrears
Amnesty International’s petition that millions of Iranian schoolgirls are at risk of being poisoned in “chemical gas attacks”:
No evidence has emerged of any toxic substance used, and yet Amnesty insists it is happening (possibly with state collusion).
“According to independent media and human rights groups, the most recent attacks took place on 15, 16 and 17 April in multiple schools in the provinces of Alborz, Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, Esfahan, Fars, Kermanshah, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, Mazandaran, Tehran and West Azerbaijan.”