Joe O’Dea, the Republican nominee for the US Senate in Colorado (David Zalubowski/AP)

Republican strategist Susan del Percio and I joined BBC 5 Live’s Colin Murray early Thursday for a 25-minute analysis of November’s US mid-term elections and another vital contest — the “fight for the soul of the Republican Party” between mainstream politicians and Trumpists.

Listen to Discussion from 1:36.16

We begin with one GOP Senate candidate standing up to Trump, Joe O’Dea in Colorado, and look at others — from Fox TV’s Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania to former football star Herschel Walker in Georgia — who could jeopardize the Republican quest for a Senate majority.

Then we take on the wider question: will the Republican establishment finally stand up to the Trumpist election denial and threat to the American system?

An establishment Republican, or at least a Republican interested in working with the system, will talks about issues. Donald Trump is only for Donald Trump — that’s it.

But the fundamental is playing by the rules of the game. And that’s why the election denial is central: if you side with Trump over 2020, you’re willing to tear up the rules for 2022 and 2024.

See also EA on China Radio International: The US Mid-Term Elections