Donald Trump departs the White House for his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, March 6, 2020 (Win McNamee/Getty)
In our latest 10-minute Journey Across Trump-Land, I join talkRADIO’s Alexis Conran to discuss how Coronavirus is further unsettling Donald Trump — and threatening his re-election prospects — and Joe Biden v. Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
Listen from 16:46 in 1730-1800 Segment
TrumpWatch, Day 1,143: Officials — Trump’s Mismanagement Fuels Coronavirus Crisis
EA on Al Jazeera English: Super Tuesday, Biden v. Sanders, and Confronting Trump
Trump says he’s defeated Coronavirus.
But Coronavirus doesn’t know it’s defeated. It doesn’t know Republican v. Democrat or liberal v. conservative.
Trump can’t hold it back. He can’t keep the stock market from falling, and he can’t prevent Americans from thinking — justifiably — what kind of leader do we have here?
And that drives him crazier and crazier.