Donald Trump at a rally in Wisconsin, April 27, 2019
In our latest 15-minute journey across Trump-Land, I joined talkRADIO’s Alexis Conran on Saturday to discuss Donald Trump’s latest attempts to push back the Mueller Report on Trump-Russia links, including imminent Congressional hearings.
Listen from 26:28 in 1800-1830 Segment
We look at Trump’s response to the report’s details of collusion and obstruction of justice, lying and shouting about an attempted “coup” by current and former US officials.
As Trump takes shelter in rallies, we discuss stunts-as-policies, such as his flourishing a letter — at a National Rifle Association gathering — to withdraw the US from an international treaty on conventional weapons.
We talk real policies — and hope the media do too — as we consider the field of Democratic candidates in the 2020 Presidential race.
And we have a word about the impending trial of Trump advisor Roger Stone, which may fill gaps about the collusion between the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.