In our 15-minute Week in Review, I spoke with talkRADIO’s Paul Ross to explain the European Union’s lifeline to avoid a disastrous UK Brexit, and to dissect Donald Trump’s Twitter intervention recognizing Israeli sovereignty over Syria’s Golan Heights.
Listen from 16:36 during 0100-0130
What the EU has done is take the initiative back from Prime Minister Theresa May and to take away her threat to blow everything up with two stages: a short technical extension and — if the UK Government agrees to go through the European elections — a longer extension, probably to the end of the year.
The EU is pointing to either discussions for a very different deal, such as a customs union and single market, or the space for a option such as a General Election, a second referendum, or even revocation of Article 50 for withdrawal.
We also carefully set out the scale of the damage of a No Deal Brexit — “This is not Project Fear. This is reality” — before turning to Donald Trump and the Middle East.
See also Syria Daily, March 22: Trump — US Should Recognize Israel Annexation of Golan Heights