My 15-minute review of the week with Paul Ross on talkRADIO, from the black plans of Boris Johnson (pictured) to take power from UK Prime Minister Theresa May — even if this entails a disastrous “No Deal” Brexit — and the black comedy of Russian military intelligence officers trying to explain away their nerve agent attack in Salisbury in southern England.
Listen from 15:42 in 0100-0130 Segment
The question for me is whether Boris is going to make his move early, with a showdown at the Conservative Party conference or just afterwards, or whether he’s going to bide his time and wait for March 2019, which is the deadline for the UK to leave the European Union.
Common sense would say that he should wait since whoever becomes Prime Minister now has the Brexit albatross around his/her neck while No Deal looms, but Boris is impatient.
We also knock the “Project Fear” myth, used by Brexit-ers to evade the reality of likely damage, on the head with estimates of double-digit unemployment and a risk to London’s global pre-eminence as a financial center: “Every aspect of your everyday life as you assume it to be is going to shaken up unless someone in the next 200 years gets their head down on what’s good for the country rather than his/her short-term polical future.”
And on Salisbury and the Russians: “Sometimes people are not James Bond clever. They’re Johnny English fools.”
Podcasts: A Black Comedy Show — The Russians Who Visited Salisbury
Podcast: Boris Johnson Wants to Be Prime Minister — and He’s Using Islamophobia to Get There