UPDATE, AUGUST 13: I spoke with Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO on Monday about Boris Johnson’s exploitation of Islamophobia for his Prime Ministerial ambitions, including the weekend’s pro-Johnson coverage by Conservative-supporting newspapers.

I don’t think they’ll strike before the Tory Party conference in October. But they’ll look to use the conference to weaken Prime Minister Theresa May, leading up to the Brexit deadline of March 2019.

The discussion also considers the latest difficulties for the UK Government as Brexit talks resume with the European Union on Thursday.

Listen from 7:38 in 0630-0700 Segment

I spoke with BBC Coventry on Sunday about how Boris Johnson, who resigned as UK Foreign Minister last month, is using Islamophobia in his attempt to replace Prime Minister Theresa May.

And Johnson is not alone in the effort. Reviewing his insult of Muslim women who wear niqab, we explain how this is connected with those who want a “No Deal” Brexit from the European Union, and we review the Conservative MPs, activists, and media — and hard-right US strategist Steve Bannon — who are promoting Johnson in a likely showdown with May, perhaps as soon as this autumn.

See Podcast: Boris Johnson’s Dog-Whistle Islamophobia, Labour’s Anti-Semitism Problem, and “Positive Politics”
VideoCast: Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and the Plan to Break Up Europe — Chapter 2

Listen to Discussion