PHOTO: Bernie Sanders, winner of 4 of 12 Democratic contests on Super Tuesday

Adam Quinn of the University of Birmingham speaks with the BBC World Service on Wednesday about the Democratic race for the Presidency. While looking to the likely Hillary Clinton victory, he hails the contribution of her main challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders — and then considers whether Clinton can capitalize on that contribution by winning over Sanders supporters for the final push to the White House:

Listen from 47:10

See also US Audio Analysis: After Super Tuesday, President Trump or President Clinton?
US Analysis: Super Tuesday’s Big Loser? The Republican Party

I think Sanders has done a very good job of putting some issues on the agenda that maybe wouldn’t be there without him. He talked a lot about putting the issue of inequality at the center of politics….He’s really gotten his message across….

I think Sanders supporters are going to come around to Clinton in the end….Once voters’ minds are concentrated on the Republican alternative, they will realise that although Hillary Clinton’s not promising revolution as Bernie Sanders is, she will be a protector of a lot of the achievements of the Obama Administration.