PHOTO: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, both strongly favored to win party nominations for the US Presidency

With Donald Trump’s continued success in the Republican contests for the nomination, attention of British outlets on Wednesday turned to whether there will be a President Trump in the US in November.

Even though the final contest is eight months away, I threw cold water on that scenario, comparing a fragmented Republican Party and its desperate establishment — not to mention an antagonistic candidate unlikely to put together a majority of voters — with a Democratic Party united behind Hillary Clinton.

See also US Audio Analysis: Can Clinton Make Most of Sanders Contribution to the Campaign?
US Analysis: Super Tuesday’s Big Loser? The Republican Party

One of the discussions, with BBC Radio Foyle:

Listen from 1:38.28

I am probably going to go down this morning to the bookie’s and bet everything except my children on a Clinton victory — and I may even wager them as well….

Trump may surprise me. He may become, all of a sudden, the lovable, cuddly, unifying Donald Trump.

But I really doubt it.