Fars News, the outlet of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, has spent weeks denouncing the Islamic State, the jihadist group which has led the insurgent offensive in Iraq. It has portrayed the faction as the spawn of evil plans by the US and Saudi Arabia. It has claimed the Islamic State is the puppet of the “Zionist regime” in Israel. It has elevated the group to the leadership of “takfiris” and “terrorists” around the world.
But what if that is not enough to convince readers? Well….
Social media users recently shared an old photo of Ali Hussein Kamil, the grandson of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, which is so much similar to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ringleader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Many social media users have raised the possibility that both pictures belong to one person, al-Baghdadi.
That looks like a clinching argument — the current enemy is the direct descendant of the old enemy who waged war against Iran for eight years, not to mention gassing his own people in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Except that we are having problems finding a single social media account which has claimed that either photo is of Saddam’s grandson. Indeed, we are struggling for any picture of Ali Hussein Kamel, except this in the loving arms of Granddad:
What we do find, across the Internet, are the two photos — the only images until his recent appearance in Mosul as “Caliph Ibrahim” — of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Here’s photo 1, courtesy of Iraq’s Interior Ministry:
And here’s photo 2, from the US National Counter-Terrorism Center:
No doubt Fars is working on the story that this a cover-up by the Iraqi Government/US Government/Zionist Regime/Saudi Arabia to hide the true identity of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. After all, this is the same site that broke the story, “Documents Proving US-Hitler-Alien Link”.
See Tehran’s “Nazis-Aliens-Jews-US” Propaganda — Meet Its Mastermind, “Sorcha Faal”
If so, they may want to have a word with their colleagues in Iranian State media and the regime’s leadership. This morning Press TV runs the two photos over the headline, “International Bodies Must Prosecute Baghdadi: Iran Commander“. The head of Iran’s armed forces, General Hassan Firouzabadi, declares:
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-declared leader of the ISIL terrorists, must be prosecuted as a war criminal for killing innocent unarmed women, children and clerics.
There is no mention, either from Firouzabadi or Press TV, of Saddam’s grandson Ali Hussein Kamel.