An intriguing turn on Sunday in the story of the kidnapped and executed Iranian border guards, which has dominated headlines in Tehran….
The deputy chairman of Parliament’s National Security Committee, Mansour Haghighatpour, blamed Saudi Arabia for the abduction of the five Iranian border guards, one of whom was executed 10 days ago, by the Sunni insurgency Jaish ul-Adl.
Haghighatpour claimed Saudi involvement in the bombing of Iranian Embassy in Lebanon in November 2013 and the abduction of an Iranian diplomat in Yemen last July and said, “Similar to the two previous incidents, Saudi Arabia is masterminding the scenario of kidnapping of the Iranian border guards.”
Over the weekend, the elite Qods Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps took control of the border between southeastern Iran and Pakistan, as authorities announced the construction of 120 watchtowers along the frontier.
The guards were taken on February 6 by Jaish ul Adl, which has carried out a series of attacks on Iranian troops in Sistan Baluchestan Province since last summer, and moved into Pakistan.
Iranian officials have accused Islamabad of not doing enough to secure the release of the guards.