Michael Flynn, then National Security Advisor, looks on as Donald Trump speaks (File)
I spoke with Monocle 24 on Wednesday about the danger of Michael Flynn, former senior Trump campaign staffer and National Security Advisor, to Donald Trump.
On Tuesday, Flynn’s sentencing arrangement, with a recommendation of little or no prison time, revealed that he has had 19 meetings with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team in the Trump-Russia investigation. The former three-star general has also provided documents and computer files.
The court filing, while redacting details, said Flynn had been of great assistance in the Trump-Russia inquiry and “other investigations”.
TrumpWatch, Day 683: “Key Cooperator” Flynn Spared Long Prison Sentence in Russia Investigation?
The discussion reviews what Flynn knows about the Trump inner circle and the Russian links, and the dots that remain to be connected. It explains why Mueller is not revealing the extent of the evidence which he holds, and projects the future showdown.
Listen from 1:11:
We have a race on two tracks. I think that race will end next spring: either Robert Mueller is ready to lay legal and political charges against Donald Trump or Mueller is prevented from doing so, because Donald Trump orders the Attorney General to fire him.