Donald Trump and Special Counsel Robert Mueller

I spoke with George Howell on CNN International on Monday morning about Donald Trump’s Sunday ramble: blustering about the Trump-Russia investigation, railing against a highly-decorated admiral, and protecting the Saudi Crown Prince.

On Trump’s declaration that he alone drafted responses to Special Counsel Robert Mueller: “If you believe Donald Trump wrote the answers that Robert Mueller is going to see, I’ve got a Trump Tower in New York to sell to you.”

On Trump’s verbal attack against Admiral William McRaven, who led the Navy SEAL raid to kill Osama bin Laden: “Of course it can backfire, but the question is when do we reach the breaking point on backfires.”

On Trump v. CIA over the responsibility of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman:

Trump says, “Saudi Arabia gives us jobs, gives us business.” And that is far more important to him than the the murder of a journalist, no matter how gruesome and no matter what his agencies conclude.