PHOTO: Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi: “We are in a good direction”
Iran’s Rouhani Government has said implementation of the July 14 nuclear agreement with the 5+1 Powers is on course, following a meeting on Tuesday with the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said he had “constructive and good” talks with the IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano in Vienna: “This meeting was in line with the road map that we had with the agency.”
Araqchi said that Iran and the IAEA should hold a “wrap-up meeting” before the agency gives its final assessment on Tehran’s implementation, including issues of “possible military dimensions”.
He said a joint commission of Iran and the 5+1 Powers will convene again on December 7, following a session on Tuesday.
The Government has set a target date of December 15 for IAEA verification, which would allow for the lifting of US and European Union sanctions which have crippled the Iranian economy.
However, the implementation has been hindered by objections from Iranian hardliners, supported by nine conditions set by the Supreme Leader on the process.
Last month, the Atomic Energy Organization was quickly forced to retract a statement that Iran had begun reducing its stock of uranium enrichment centrifuges. Hardliners said that Iran had not received sufficient assurances that it would be able to maintain a nuclear program.
Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran is to reduce its centrifuges from around 19,000 to just 5,000 in operation, with another 1,000 for research.
Government officials subsequently said that “preparations” are being undertaken to put most of the centrifuges into storage.
Araqchi said on Tuesday that he expected confirmation of implementation in “early January”, adding, “We think that we are in a good direction.”
The Deputy Foreign Minister indicated that arrangements were being made to meet another condition, the reduction of Iran’s stock of low-enriched uranium by about 98%.
“Based on the JCPOA, Iran is allowed to sell its enriched uranium material and to buy natural uranium or yellow cake in return….So, we can have this business with Russia,” he said, indicating that a deal will be signed soon.
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree lifting the ban on supplying Iran with equipment for uranium enrichment.
Zarif Calls Russia’s Lavrov Over Downing of Russian Warplane by Turkey
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to give Tehran’s support over the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkey on the Turkish-Syrian border on Tuesday.
Zarif said in the Wednesday conversation that “such incidents would lead to the escalation of Syrian crisis and sendi a wrong signal to terrorist groups”. He called for “anti-terrorism efforts” through “unified will and determination” from regional and international states.
See Syria Daily: Political Maneuvers Follow Turkey’s Downing of Russian Warplane