PHOTO: Supreme Leader’s top aide, Ali Akbar Velayati
As Iran seeks a final nuclear deal with the 5+1 Powers by a June 30 deadline, leading regime figures offered support for President Rouhani on Sunday.
Some MPs have challenged the Government over the negotiations, with legislators shouting at Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a session on May 24.
However, the Supreme Leader intervened on Wednesday, supporting Iran’s negotiating team: “Our brothers are working hard. They’re really sweating and working on all these fields. They must insist on positions.”
See Iran Feature: Supreme Leader Calls on MPs to Support Nuclear Talks, Admits Effects of Sanctions
On Sunday, the Supreme Leader’s top aide, Ali Akbar Velayati told Jordanian reporters in Tehran, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to proceed with nuclear negotiations and is highly hopeful that these talks would end in positive and favorable results for Iran.”
At the same time, Velayati reiterated that Iran will not give ground on the emerging issue in the talks of unlimited access to Tehran’s military sites: “Iran’s refusal to allow inspection of its military sites and agree to interrogation of Iranian nuclear scientists are the two conditions set by the Islamic Republic in the talks with world powers.”
Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani, who has rebuffed the critical MPs, offered further support in a meeting with Governors, “A clear path has been mapped in the country on this issue.”
Political deputies from Iran and the 5+1 (US, Britain, France, Germany, China, and Russia) return to Vienna on Thursday to continue drafting of the final text of a comprehensive deal.
On Saturday, Foreign Minister Zarif and US Secretary of State John Kerry spent six hours in Geneva reviewing the talks and looking to close gaps over the timing of sanctions removal and limits on Iran’s nuclear facilities and uranium enrichment, as well as the issue of inspections of military sites.
On Sunday, the Supreme Leader’s office reiterated on Twitter:
I do not allow our scientists to be interrogated.
— (@khamenei_ir) May 31, 2015
Iran: “Syria is at Forefront of Resistance Against Israel”
Iran’s Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani has reiterated the Islamic Republic’s support for the Assad regime, saying Syria is at the forefront of resistance against Israel.
Larijani was hosting his Syrian counterpart Mohammad Jihad al-Laham in Tehran on Monday.
The Iranian Speaker said Syrian people have managed through their steadfastness to foil plots hatched by “adventurous” terrorists, and he expressed hope that “the Syrian nation will emerge victorious”.
(Cross-posted from Syria Daily)