Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told his Cabinet ministers to stop in-fighting, saying that he will “draw conclusions” if the attacks inside the coalition do not cease.
Netanyahu said on Sunday after a Cabinet meeting that he had told Ministers, “We need governmental stability and proper management. This is needed for Israeli citizens and for the state. Unfortunately this is not what we have seen recently.”
The Prime Minister has been challenged by right-wing Ministers for not being tough enough in the 50-day Gaza War this summer or towards Palestinians amid rising conflict in East Jersualem and the West Bank. Center-left ministers have opposed Netanyahu over the expansion of Israeli Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory and legislation to define Israel as a “Jewish State”.
Netanyahu said that not a day goes by without threats or dictates from one of the coalition partners, with “lashing out by by ministers in the government against the government and the person at its head.” He added:
I hope that we can return to proper management, which is what the public expects of us. That is the only way to run a state, and if not we will draw the conclusions.