I spoke with BBC West Midlands on Friday about the latest developments in the Israel-Gaza conflict, explaining the background and forecasting the likely developments.
Listen to discussion from 1:41:17
Even if Israel is responding to Hamas rocket fire, this is looking disproportionate….
The backstory to this is that (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu wants to look for an excuse where he doesn’t have to go into negotiations with the Palestinians. He would prefer to put pressure on them rather than to get into any discussions which might lead to a Palestinian State.
You’re not going to solve this. Israel will get to a point where they think they have punished Hamas enough, and then they will stop the airstrikes….
Israel would like to break this leadership of Gaza with these airstrikes — but Hamas is not weakened and we get this cycle of violence every few months or years.
(Featured Photo: Israeli airstike on Rafah — Getty)