LATEST: Foreign Minister Zarif “Agreement is Possible But Illusions Need to Go”
The Supreme Leader’s top foreign policy advisor, Ali Akbar Velayati, has reaffirmed Ayatollah Khamenei’s continuing support for nuclear talks with the 5+1 Powers while maintaining that there is “no deadlock” in discussions.
Velayati said on Saturday, after a meeting with a senior French official in Tehran, “Since the nuclear issue was first raised, the Islamic Republic of Iran has never turned away from the negotiations and (we) always favor and support the continuation of the talks.”
Iranian officials have expressed disappointment at the lack of progress in last week’s fourth round of negotiations on a comprehensive nuclear agreement, while emphasizing that the atmosphere is still constructive.
Another round of discussions is foreseen for June 16-20 (see below). Iran and the 5+1 Powers are hoping for a comprehensive settlement ahead of the July 20 expiry of an interim Joint Plan of Agreement.
Iran’s lead negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi, reiterated on State TV on Saturday that the talks were “tough” but on the right path.
Araqchi maintained Iran’s development of a heavy-water reactor at Arak, despite Western concerns over the production of plutonium by-product that could be used in a militarized nuclear program.
Tehran has offered the re-design of the reactor, due on-line at the end of 2014, to reduce plutonium by 80%.
However, Araqchi said, “It is ridiculous that the power of the reactor would be cut from 40 megawatts to 10 megawatts.”
Foreign Minister Zarif: “Agreement is Possible But Illusions Need to Go”
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif offers his view, via Twitter, of the state of nuclear negotiations after last week’s Vienna talks:
Back from Vienna after tough discussions. Agreement is possible.But illusions need to go.Opportunity shouldn't be missed again like in 2005.
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) May 18, 2014
Next Round of Nuclear Talks on June 16-20
Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi has said the next round of talks on a comprehensive nuclear agreement will be in Vienna from June 16-20.
The discussions will be the fifth set on a comprehensive deal to follow an interim Joint Plan of Agreement.
The latest round of negotiations in Vienna last week resulted in little progress.
Iranian media are also reporting that another International Atomic Energy Agency team will visit Tehran on Monday.
The IAEA and Iran have reached a series of agreements since November over inspections and supervision of nuclear facilities and mines.