PHOTO: Donald Trump announces ban on Syrian refugees, suspension of visas for those from 7 countries

Here’s what Donald Trump and his Administration did on Day 8, from Al Jazeera Plus with additions from EA:

*Administration cancels outreach program for final sign-up period for ObamaCare

*Donald Trump meets Britain’s Theresa May in first visit by foreign leader

See US & Britain Analysis: May Meets Trump — A “Special Relationship” Pose to Hide Problems

*Vice President Mike Pence speaks at “March for Life”, promises to end taxpayer funding for abortions

*White House statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day fails to mention Jews or anti-Semitism

*James Mattis sworn in as Defense Secretary

*Trump signs executive order for Defense Secretary Mattis to review readiness of “depleted” armed forces

*Trump signs executive order banning Syrian refugees and 120-day suspensions of visas for people from seven mainly-Muslim countries, mandates “extreme vetting” of immigrants from those areas

*Trump says persecuted Christians will be given priority for entry into the US