I joined Dublin NewsTalk’s Pat Kenny Show on Monday for a 13-minute discussion on the split in Israel’s political and military leadership over their war on Gaza.

Moments after the interview, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed the line of analysis by dissolving the War Cabinet, following the departure of Benny Gantz — leader of the opposition and former head of the Israel Defense Forces — amid pressure from hard-right Cabinet Ministers demanding an expansion of the attacks on Gazans.

I explain the escalation in long-running tension between Netanyahu and the military, with the Prime Minister criticizing commanders as he vetoed their proposed 11-hour daily pause in attacks to allow in aid. I note Netanyahu’s son saying the commanders may be traitors, and hard-right ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smothrich calling them “fools” and “delusional”.

The Israeli military is caught in a vise between being charged with continuing these operations and facing pressure not just from the international community but within Israel….

They are facing a Prime Minister because of his personal predicament — if there is a ceasefire, he is facing being out of power, he is facing going for bribery — is not going to budge.

I evaluate the pressure on Netanyahu from the military, from Gantz’s resignation, and from growing protests. Could they be enough to finally push him out of office, removing an important to a ceasefire and halt in mass killings?

This was supposed to be wrapped up in weeks, according to Netanyahu. Now we’re in the ninth month.

The protests are saying, “We want elections by the anniversary on October 7 of Hamas’ mass killing.”

I think that the closer we get to October 7, if there is no political resolution, the closer we get to a tipping point in Israel.