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Reality on Ground: Insurgents Are Losing

Ramzjoo writes:

The reality on the ground in Syria despite the much-hyped advance and publicity stunt by rebels in Latakia province:

Syrian rebels are clearly losing the War:


Assad forces now control 80% of Aleppo:


How Assad Created the Jihadist Enemy

Catmari writes:

Suspects into Collaborators
London Review of Books, Peter Neumann argues that Assad has himself to blame

Three years ago, it was hard to find anything significant about Syria in books about al-Qaida. … Today, by contrast, Syria is widely – and correctly – seen as the cradle of a resurgent al-Qaida: a magnet for jihadist recruits, which offers the networks, skills and motivation needed to produce a new generation of terrorists. How did this happen? And why did it happen so quickly?

For Bashar al-Assad, the blame lies with outsiders – especially Turkey and the Gulf monarchies – who have used their money and influence to sponsor the uprising, arm the rebels and supply foreign recruits. This is certainly the case, but it’s only part of the story. In the years that preceded the uprising, Assad and his intelligence services took the view that jihad could be nurtured and manipulated to serve the Syrian government’s aims. It was then that foreign jihadists first entered the country and helped to build the structures and supply lines that are now being used to fight the government. To that extent Assad is fighting an enemy he helped to create.

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